Stem cell treatment knee arthritis Chennai

Stem cell treatments knee arthritis Chennai India

Stem cell treatments knee arthritis Chennai India by Dr.A.K.Venkatachalam. In this video stem cells are derived from the patient’s own body, prepared, mixed with PRP, and injected into the patient’s knee joint under local anesthesia. The patient can walk normally after the procedure and can return home within a few hours. No keyhole or open surgery is needed. The stem cells injected are more numerous than other sources. See here for more details.


BMC treatment Knee osteoarthritis Chennai

BMC treatment knee arthritis India

BMC treatment knee arthritis India. Do you want to know what this is all about? Listen to this video.

Listen to this patient’s testimonial here after understanding the above explanation.

If you want to be considered for this treatment, schedule an appointment with the doctor in Chennai by mail at this id. Visit for more information.

BMC treatment Knee osteoarthritis Chennai

Medicinal signaling cell treatment India relieves knee pain in elderly

Medicinal signaling cell treatment India relieves knee pain in octogenarian. This gentleman was suffering from osteo-arthritis of both knees for several years. He had taken native medicines with no relief. He had undergone a previoius angioplasty which made him fear a knee replacement. His daughter saw a previous press release by Dr.Venkatachalam and encouraged her father to consult this doctor. He was satisfied with the explanation and underwent this procedure in early August 2016. See how this octogenarian got relief in both knees although he underwent the procedure only in the left knee. He got a bonus. Signaling cell treatment is pretty safe in elderly patients. The patient can go home the same day and remain with their family. There is no anesthesia, cutting, bleeding etc. Most importantly, there are no reported adverse effects like heart attack, infection etc. Hence these can be considered as safe knee replacement alternative. For knee replacements in India, please see

If your elderly parents or relatives need signaling cell treatment, e mail