Platelet-rich stroma procedure explained

Platelet-rich stroma procedure explained – treatment for knee OA

Watch a Platelet-rich stroma procedure performed for a case of knee osteoarthritis. The patient has advanced OA changes as seen on 3T MRI and cartigram.

What is Platelet-rich stroma?

Platelet-rich stroma (PRS) is a combination of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and stromal vascular fraction (SVF). PRS includes stromal cells in their matrix with stimulating factors and plays an important role in reducing articular inflammation and signalling cartilage repair in osteoarthritis. It contains SVF obtained from fat. Fat is a better source of multipotential signaling cells than bone marrow. Tissue SVF is combined with Platele-rich plasma (PRP) before intra-articular injection. Fat is harvested by mini liposuction from the thigh, buttocks, or abdominal fat through tiny incisions. The incisions heal naturally without sutures.

PRP is prepared from venous blood. It concentrates platelets several fold times. Platelets contain growth factors which assist in tissue repair.

It is injected into the knee under ultrasound guidance. Ultrasound-guided knee injections are more accurate than blind injections. Keyhole surgery (arthroscopy) or spinal anesthesia is not involved in my procedure. Platelet-rich stroma is a revolutionary procedure to treat osteoarthritis of the knee. Platelet-rich stroma relieves the pain of osteoarthritis immediately and its effect can last for a few years. Over a period of time limited cartilage repair is seen. See the technique of ultrasound-guided PRS injection here.  Platelet-rich stroma is preferred by many patients nowadays as an alternative to knee replacement 

How is it done?

The procedure is performed under local anaaesthesia. It is injected under ultrasound guidance. Ultrasound-guided knee injections are more accurate than blind injections. Keyhole surgery (arthroscopy) or spinal anesthesia is not involved in my procedure.

No spinal anesthesia is required. Keyhole surgery is not used. Both knees can be done in one sitting.  The patient walks into the OR and walks out after the procedure. They experience immediate pain relief. PRS, SVF and PRP are commonly performed biologic injections in my practice. I also perform knee replacements for advanced cases of knee arthritis. ACL reconstruction, and meniscal repair, are the common arthroscopic procedures.

Platelet rich stroma treatment knee arthritis Chennai

Platelet rich stroma treatment knee arthritis Chennai

Listen to a patient’s testimonial for platelet rich stroma (PRS)  treatment knee arthritis Chennai. This lady was able to walk within a few hours of the treatment.

Platelet-rich stroma (PRS) treatment for knee osteoarthritis (OA) is a promising therapeutic option that has shown significant potential recently. This approach involves the use of the patient’s own blood and tissue which is processed to extract concentrated Platelet rich stroma. This PRS is then injected directly into the knee joint without any key hole surgery under local anaesthesia.  Inside the joint PRS can stimulate the body’s natural healing response and help repair damaged tissues.

The effectiveness of PRS and SVF treatment for knee OA has been extensively studied in the literature, with a growing body of evidence suggesting that it can provide significant pain relief and improve function in patients with this condition

The positive result in this patient and others suggest that PRS treatment has significant potential as a non-invasive, low-risk therapeutic option for patients with knee OA. However, it is important to note that more research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms by which PRS treatment works and to optimize treatment protocols for different patient populations.

In conclusion, PRS treatment for knee OA is an exciting new option that holds significant promise for patients seeking relief from this debilitating condition. With further research and refinement, it is likely that PRS treatment will become an increasingly important part of the toolkit of healthcare providers seeking to improve outcomes for patients with knee OA

Listen to a patient’s testimonial here