Suffering from knee arthritis in Chennai? Try PRS treatment

Suffering from knee arthritis in Chennai? Try PRS treatment

Are you suffering from knee arthritis in Chennai? Try PRS treatment. Watch this video to see how PRS can help you get rid of knee pain and improve your quality of life. PRS treatment is becoming an alternative to total knee replacement among many due to its non-invasiveness, quick results, cost, and durable results. You can see the pre-operative state and post-operative recovery. PRS is a minimally invasive procedure that uses the patient’s stem cells and growth factors to regenerate damaged cartilage and reduce inflammation. The patient was able to walk within a few hours after the treatment with minimal assistance and no pain.

You can see testimonials of more patients here 


If you are interested in PRS treatment for knee arthritis, please contact Dr. A.K. Venkatachalam at Madras Joint Replacement Centre. He is one of the leading experts in regenerative medicine and joint replacement surgery in India. Visit his website to learn more about his services and testimonials from his patients.

Five year success of PRP injection to left knee & TKR to right knee Dr.A.K.Venkatachalam

PRP treatment knee arthritis 5 year success story

PRP treatment knee arthritis success story

Long-Term Pain Relief and Functional Improvement:

  • 70-year-old  Mrs.Swarnalatha  underwent PRP injections five years ago for moderate knee osteoarthritis. She reports sustained pain relief and increased joint function, allowing her to participate in activities he previously avoided due to pain.
  • She had a knee replacement in one knee by Dr.A.K.Venkatachalam
  •  In this video, a seventy-three-year-old lady shares her 5-year success of PRP injection to left knee and Total knee replacement to right knee for OA knee. Her surgery was in early 2019 and the original diagnosis was OA knee. She was treated with a PRP injection in her left knee and a total knee replacement in her right knee. The results are as follows: 1. PRP injection: After injection, she had improved range of motion (ROM), less pain, and improved quality of life. 2. Total knee replacement to right knee: After surgery, she had improved range of motion (ROM), less pain, and improved quality of life. She also regained her walking speed and strength.

Evidence for Stem cell treatment knee osteoarthritis India

Evidence for Stem cell treatment knee osteoarthritis Chennai

See the evidence for Stem cell treatment of knee osteoarthritis Chennai discussed in this video. I read from a recently published paper in the Journal of Arthritis Research.

Here’s the video. If interested learn more at 

I perform knee replacements, and Orthobiologic procedures.

Stromal vascular fraction (SVF) is a concentrated cell-packed portion of adipose tissue that has been used to treat knee osteoarthritis (OA) 1. SVF is known for its anti-inflammatory characteristics and has been shown to decrease pain and improve function in patients with knee OA 1 2.

In a single-center, non-randomized, phase I/II trial, 33 patients with KL (III) knee osteoarthritis were evaluated. The study aimed to evaluate the improvement in knee pain, function, and cartilage restoration. The results showed that joints treated with SVF provided a better quality of life to patients 1.

Other frequently found interventions include cultured adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs), and the micronized/microfragmented adipose tissue-stromal vascular fraction (MAT-SVF) 1. Clinical data reported that joints treated with MAT-SVF provided a better quality of life to patients 1.The mechanism of action of SVF is also not fully understood. However, the current hypothesis indicates a direct adherence and integration with the degenerative host tissue, and/or trophic effects resulting from the secretome of constituent cells 1.

In conclusion, there is evidence of efficacy in the use of stromal vascular fraction and related therapy for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee. However, more research and clinical patient follow-up are needed to determine the proper place of these therapies in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee 1.


1. Stromal Vascular Fraction for Osteoarthritis of the Knee Regenerative …

2. Cartilage lesion size and number of stromal vascular fraction (SVF …

3. Autologous Adipose-Derived Tissue Stromal Vascular Fraction (AD-tSVF …

Stem cell treatment knee arthritis Chennai

Stem cell treatment knee arthritis Chennai

See the impressive result provided by Stem cell treatment knee arthritis Chennai in this man. He is able to walk without pain. He chose Stem cell treatment or PRS treatment instead of knee replacement. The reason was two botched-up knee replacement operations amongst his family members.

Adipose stem cell treatment is a type of regenerative medicine that uses fat tissue as a source of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) to treat knee osteoarthritis (OA). MSCs are multipotent cells that can differentiate into various types of cells, such as cartilage, bone, and muscle. They also have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties that can promote healing and reduce pain. Adipose stem cell treatment involves harvesting fat tissue from the patient’s own body, usually from the abdomen or thigh, and processing it to isolate the MSCs. The MSCs are then injected into the affected knee joint, where they can potentially regenerate the damaged cartilage and improve joint function.

There are several clinical trials and studies that have evaluated the safety and efficacy of adipose stem cell treatment for knee OA. Some of the results are summarized below:

These studies suggest that adipose stem cell treatment is a promising option for knee OA treatment, especially for elderly patients who have limited options for surgery or pharmacotherapy.

Now watch his performance 5 days after the procedure. He is able to walk comfortably on a slope.

If you want to see more testimonials visit my website 

If you are interested in this procedure, fill up the contact form on my website

Platelet Rich Stroma Therapy for Knee Osteoarthritis

Exploring Platelet Rich Stroma Therapy for Knee Osteoarthritis

In this article i will elaborate how Platelet rich stroma treatment can stem the pain of Osteoarthritis.

You will hear from an eighty year old lady in Tamil and her son in English in the video at first.

Do you wish to learn about this latest alternative to knee replacement?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment is a type of orthobiologic treatment that has been used to treat knee osteoarthritis in India. It  combines two different types of biological materials: platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and stromal vascular fraction (SVF).

What is PRP?

PRP is a concentrated solution of platelets and growth factors that are derived from a patient’s own blood. It is often used in regenerative medicine to promote tissue healing and reduce inflammation.

What is SVF?

SVF, on the other hand, is a mixture of stem cells, immune cells, and other regenerative cells that are derived from adipose tissue (fat). SVF is also known to have regenerative properties and is commonly used in stem cell therapy.

In PRS treatment, a small amount of adipose tissue is harvested from the patient and processed to extract the SVF. The PRP is then combined with the SVF to create the PRS solution. This PRS solution is then injected into the area of injury or degeneration to promote tissue regeneration and repair

How does stromal vascular fraction combat the inflammatory cause of knee osteoarthritis?

Stromal vascular fraction (SVF) is believed to combat the inflammatory cause of knee osteoarthritis through its regenerative properties. SVF contains a mixture of different cell types, including stem cells and immune cells, which work together to modulate inflammation and promote tissue repair.

  1. Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Some of the cells present in SVF, such as mesenchymal stem cells, have anti-inflammatory properties. When injected into the knee joint, these cells can help suppress the release of pro-inflammatory molecules and cytokines that contribute to the inflammation seen in osteoarthritis. By reducing inflammation, SVF may help alleviate pain and slow down the progression of the disease.
  2. Tissue Repair and Regeneration: SVF contains cells that have the ability to differentiate into various cell types, including cartilage-producing cells. In knee osteoarthritis, the protective cartilage cushioning the joint gradually wears away. SVF injections may promote the growth of new cartilage-like tissue, contributing to joint repair and improved function.
  3. Immunomodulation: SVF contains immune cells that play a role in regulating the immune response. These cells can help create an environment that is less hostile to the joint, reducing the immune system’s attack on healthy tissue and further decreasing inflammation.
  4. Growth Factors and Cytokines: SVF is rich in growth factors and cytokines, which are signaling molecules that promote cell growth, differentiation, and healing. These factors can stimulate the body’s natural healing processes and support the repair of damaged tissues. If you desire to undergo this latest treatment, seek an appointment with Dr.A.K.Venkatachalam by filling out the contact form in



Platelet rich stroma treatment for knee arthritis India

Platelet rich stroma treatment knee arthritis India

A 75 year old lady with symptoms of knee locking obtained relief after Platelet rich stroma treatment in Chennai. Listen to her testimonial in this video. Dr.A.K.Venkatachalam provides this treatment in Chennai. Although this is a short term honest statement of pain relief by this patient, this study describes the mid term result of SVF treatment at five years. The conclusion in this paper is that 60 percent of patients have acceptable pain relief at five years. This might seem to be sufficient justification for undergoing this procedure which might seem expensive initially.

What is Platelet rich stroma?

Platelet-rich stroma (PRS) is a type of orthobiologic treatment that combines two different types of biological materials: platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and stromal vascular fraction (SVF).

What is PRP?

PRP is a concentrated solution of platelets and growth factors that are derived from a patient’s own blood. It is often used in regenerative medicine to promote tissue healing and reduce inflammation. A concentration of 4 x baseline value of platelets is desirable. PRP provides the growth factors which enable SVF cells to adhere.

What is SVF?

SVF is a mixture of stem cells, immune cells, and other regenerative cells that are derived from adipose tissue (fat). SVF is also known to have regenerative properties. Cells in SVF possess signalling effects. That is they stimulate resident cells within the joint to multiply and produce cartilage matrix. This property of SVF is known as “Paracrine effect” ( See point 4 below)

Stromal vascular fraction (SVF) has been suggested as a potential treatment for knee osteoarthritis due to its ability to combat the inflammatory causes of the condition. SVF contains a mixture of various cells, including mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), immune cells, and other regenerative cells, which work together to address inflammation and promote tissue healing.

  1. Anti-inflammatory properties: MSCs within SVF have been found to possess anti-inflammatory properties. They can modulate the immune response and reduce the production of pro-inflammatory molecules, such as cytokines and chemokines. By suppressing inflammation, SVF can help alleviate pain and reduce the progression of knee osteoarthritis.
  2. Immune modulation: SVF contains immune cells, including regulatory T cells (Tregs), which play a role in immune regulation. Tregs can suppress the activity of other immune cells that contribute to inflammation. This immune modulation by SVF can help control the inflammatory response in the knee joint affected by osteoarthritis.
  3. Growth factor secretion: SVF cells, including MSCs, have the ability to secrete various growth factors, which can aid in tissue repair and regeneration. These growth factors promote the proliferation and differentiation of cells involved in cartilage and tissue repair, contributing to the healing process in the knee joint affected by osteoarthritis.
  4. Paracrine effects: SVF cells secrete factors that exert paracrine effects, meaning they influence nearby cells. These paracrine factors can have anti-inflammatory effects and promote tissue regeneration, helping to combat the inflammatory causes of knee osteoarthritis. The resident cartilage forming cells produce cartilage matrix. Cartilage is the weight bearing cushioning material at the ends of bones. Regeneration of cartilage has been observed in this paper.

In PRS treatment, a small amount of adipose tissue is harvested from the patient and processed to extract SVF. The PRP is then combined with the SVF to create the PRS solution. This PRS solution is then injected into the area of injury or degeneration to promote tissue regeneration and repair.

If you wish to get this treatment for yourself, get in touch by filling the contact form in the home page.



Ultrasound guided injection of platelet rich plasma.

Ultrasound guided PRP injection knee joint Chennai India

See how an ultrasound-guided injection of the knee joint is done in this video. Platelet-rich plasma is also injected here. Platelet-rich stroma is also injected using the same technique. The procedure is performed in the minor operating theatre after cleaning and draping the patient and observing all aseptic precautions. Ultrasound guidance ensures accurate delivery of the biologic substance into the knee joint under direct visualization on the ultrasound monitor.

Ultrasound-guided platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection is a safe and effective method for treating all grades of knee osteoarthritis (OA) mainly mild to moderate. It is also effective in reducing pain and improving knee function1.

PRP is a concentration of platelets derived from the patient’s own blood. Platelets contain growth factors that assist in tissue repair. The PRP is injected into the knee under ultrasound guidance.

Most recent publications show pain alleviation in the short term.

Platelet-rich stroma (PRS) treatment knee osteoarthritis India

Platelet-rich stroma (PRS) treatment knee osteoarthritis India

Platelet-rich stroma treatment for knee osteoarthritis provided amazing pain relief to this lady. Her gait was restored to normal. Listen to her testimonial in this video. To know more about Platelet-rich stroma treatment for knee arthritis, see this post. If you have other orthopaedic problems, see what I can offer here. 

What is Platelet-rich stroma?

Platelet-rich stroma treatment is a biologic combination therapy that combines the regenerative properties of both Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and stromal vascular fraction (SVF) to treat knee osteoarthritis. PRP is a concentrated source of platelets obtained from the patient’s own blood. Platelets contain growth factors and cytokines that promote tissue healing and regeneration. SVF is a mixture of cells that are extracted from adipose tissue. These cells have the ability to differentiate into various cell types and can help repair damaged tissues1.

How is it done?

Platelet-rich stroma treatment is a minimally invasive procedure that involves the injection of PRP and SVF directly into the affected knee joint. The procedure is safe and well-tolerated, with few side effects reported1. It has been found to relieve the pain of osteoarthritis immediately and its effect can last for a few years. Over a period of time, limited cartilage repair is seen2.

If you want this procedure for yourself, seek an appointment with the doctor at the hospital by filling out the contact form in the home page.


Platelet-rich stroma procedure explained

What is Platelet rich stroma (PRS) treatment for knee osteoarthritis?

Platelet-rich stroma treatment for knee osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease that affects millions of people worldwide. It causes pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility in the affected joints. One of the most common sites of OA is the knee, which bears a lot of weight and stress during daily activities.

There is no cure for OA, but there are various treatments that can help manage the symptoms and slow down the progression of the disease. One of these treatments is platelet-rich stroma (PRS), which is a type of regenerative medicine that uses the patient’s own blood cells to stimulate the healing and repair of damaged tissues.

What is Platelet-rich stroma treatment?

PRS is derived from the patient’s blood and adipose tissue which are drawn and processed in a high-end device that separates and concentrates the platelets and SVF. The PRS is then injected into the affected knee joint under ultrasound guidance, where it releases various bioactive molecules that promote inflammation, angiogenesis, and tissue regeneration.

To explain how PRS works, we need to understand how platelets and growth factors function in the body. Platelets are small blood cells that are involved in blood clotting and wound healing. They contain granules that store various growth factors, which are proteins that can signal other cells to grow, divide, or differentiate. Growth factors can also modulate inflammation, which is a natural response to injury or infection.

When PRS is injected into the knee joint, it creates a microenvironment that mimics a wound site. The platelets become activated and release their growth factors, which attract and activate other cells such as stem cells, fibroblasts, and endothelial cells. These cells then start to produce new collagen, blood vessels, and cartilage matrix, which can restore some of the lost tissue function and structure.

PRS has been shown to have beneficial effects on knee OA in several clinical trials. It can reduce pain, improve function, and enhance the quality of life for patients with mild to moderate OA. It can also delay or prevent the need for more invasive procedures such as joint replacement surgery.

PRS is a safe and minimally invasive procedure that can be performed in an outpatient setting. It has few side effects and a low risk of infection or rejection.

If you are suffering from knee OA and are interested in PRS, you should consult Dr. A.K. Venkatachalam and discuss the pros and cons of this treatment option. PRS may not be suitable for everyone as it depends on the severity of OA and individual expectations.


: Venkatachalam A.K. Knee osteoarthritis treatment Platelet-rich stroma India. Ortho Biologic Surgery India Blog 2023;

: Venkatachalam A.K. Platelet-rich stroma procedure Knee arthritis Chennai. Ortho Biologic Surgery India Blog 2023;

: Venkatachalam A.K., What is platelet-rich stroma treatment for knee osteoarthritis in Chennai India? Dr.A.K.Venkatachalam’s MJRC Clinic 2023;

Platelet-rich stroma treatment knee arthritis India

Knee osteoarthritis treatment with Platelet-rich stroma in India

Knee osteoarthritis treatment with Platelet-rich stroma in India.

Listen to this patient’s testimonial for knee Osteoarthritis treatment with Platelet-rich stroma in India. She came to India from Australia specifically for this treatment. She wanted to preserve her natural knees and didn’t want to undergo knee replacement. She found this cutting-edge treatment in India for a very affordable cost. Platelet-rich stroma is a combination of platelet-rich plasma prepared from venous blood and tissue stroma vascular fraction (tSVF)  prepared from fat or adipose tissue

Knee osteoarthritis is a debilitating condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It can cause pain, stiffness, and limited range of motion in the knee joint, which can make it difficult to perform everyday activities. While there are various treatments available for knee osteoarthritis, tissue stromal vascular fraction (tSVF) treatment has emerged as a promising new therapy for managing the symptoms of knee osteoarthritis.

In this video, you will hear the latest patient testimonial on tissue stromal vascular fraction treatment of knee osteoarthritis. You will understand the reason why this patient chose to come to India for this cutting-edge treatment. Learn what tSVF treatment is, how it works, and the current evidence for its effectiveness in managing knee osteoarthritis symptoms.

What is tissue stromal vascular fraction?

Tissue stromal vascular fraction treatment is a regenerative therapy that uses the patient’s own adipose tissue to help repair damaged tissues. The treatment involves a minimally invasive procedure in which a small sample of the patient’s adipose tissue is extracted and processed to isolate the stromal vascular fraction (SVF) in the operating room itself. No chemicals are used to digest fat to liberate SVF. Fat is mechanically broken down into Stromal vascular fraction.  The SVF is mixed with platelet-rich plasma to prepare Platelet-rich stroma (PRS) and then injected into the damaged area, where it can stimulate the body’s natural healing response and promote tissue repair.

In addition to discussing the evidence for tSVF treatment, this video will also cover what patients can expect during the treatment process. tSVF treatment is typically performed on an outpatient basis and involves a minimally invasive procedure to extract the adipose tissue. The tissue is then processed in the Operating room itsel to isolate the SVF, which is injected into the arthritic knees under ultrasound guidance.

What to expect after this procedure

After the injections, patients may experience some discomfort or swelling in the treated area. However, this usually subsides within a few days, and patients are typically able to resume their normal activities shortly after the treatment.

In conclusion, tissue stromal vascular fraction treatment is a promising new therapy for managing knee osteoarthritis symptoms. While the evidence for its effectiveness is still evolving, studies have shown that it can provide significant improvements in pain, stiffness, and knee function. If you are considering tSVF treatment for knee osteoarthritis, it is important to discuss the risks and benefits of the treatment with a healthcare provider to determine if it is the right choice for you.

Mode of payment

It is also important to note that tSVF treatment is not currently covered by insurance.

It is also worth mentioning that while tSVF treatment is a promising new therapy for knee osteoarthritis, it is not a cure for the condition. Patients may still require ongoing management of their symptoms, including physical therapy, medication, and lifestyle modifications.

In conclusion, tissue stromal vascular fraction treatment is a promising new therapy for managing knee osteoarthritis symptoms. While the evidence for its effectiveness is still evolving, studies have shown that it can provide significant improvements in pain, stiffness, and knee function. If you are considering tSVF treatment for knee osteoarthritis, it is important to discuss the risks and benefits of the treatment with a healthcare provider to determine if it is the right choice for you.