PRP therapy knee arthritis Chennai

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment Chennai.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment Chennai.

What are platelets?

Platelets are a type of cell in the blood primarily responsible for clotting. In addition to their paramount clotting function, they can also perform tissue repair as they also contain chemicals known as growth factors inside one of the three types of granules inside them which support healing and recovery processes. Platelets have three types of granules inside them known as α–granules, dense granules, and lysosomes. These granules are released when platelets encounter external tissues. Platelets swell and burst and release their granules.

What is Platelet-rich plasma?

Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) is a filtrate of plasma rich in platelets. It contains plasma which is the liquid portion of blood and one of the three types of blood cells called platelets. In PRP, plasma contains significantly more platelets than their baseline value in blood, so the concentration of growth factors can be five to 10 times higher.

How is Platelet-rich plasma prepared for injection?

To create platelet-rich plasma, doctors take a blood sample from the patient and place it into a device called a centrifuge that rapidly spins the sample, separating out the other components of the blood from the platelets and concentrating them within the plasma. See how PRP is prepared in this video.

What is the basis for the actions of platelets?

Platelets are known to provide a diverse array of growth factors that can work independently or with other proteins and cells to improve the healing process. Although the use of PRP in the dermatology and maxillofacial fields dates to more than 50 years, the study and application of this treatment in joint conditions is recent and growing. As mentioned before, the biological rationale for the clinical use of PRP includes the local action of growth factors, the modification of the inflammatory response, and the effects on cell proliferation and differentiation.

Which are the principal areas of the musculoskeletal tissue in which PRP is being used?

Intraarticular platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection has emerged as a promising treatment for knee osteoarthritis. Studies to date, including multiple randomized controlled trials, have shown that PRP is a safe and effective treatment option for knee osteoarthritis. Intra-articular PRP is similar in efficacy to hyaluronic acid and seems to be more effective than hyaluronic acid in younger, active patients with low-grade osteoarthritis. Treatment benefits wane after 6-9 months Intraarticular platelet-rich plasma injection in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis: review and recommendations – PubMed (

In addition, they are used to heal tendon, fascia, and ligament degenerative conditions and tears. They are also used to initiate the repair of peripheral nerves like the ulnar and median nerves when these are enlarged and compressed in the elbow and palm as in cubital tunnel and carpal tunnel syndromes.

PRP is also used to accelerate ACL repairs and meniscal repairs in the knee. PRP can be combined with the Stromal vascular fraction to yield platelet-rich stroma (PRS). This is used to treat knee Osteoarthritis, avascular necrosis, and cartilage lesions.

See how PRP injection alleviated this gentleman’s knee pain-

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment for knee cartilage lesions and osteoarthritis Chennai.

Listen to how a young man benefited from a PRP injection to his shoulder in this video

See how effective PRP was for treating heel pain in this video

If you wish to make an appointment e mail me at or call the hospital number at +91 44 42938938.

Joint biologics injection Knee India

Joint biologics injection knee India

Joint biologics injection knee India relieved this young man’s pain immediately. He was able to climb a slope without pain.

What are joint biologic injections?

Joint biologics injection comprises platelet-rich plasma ( PRP), adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal cells also known as Stromal vascular fraction (SVF), bone marrow, platelet-derived growth factors, and exosomes. These substances stop ongoing damage and improve cartilage repair. They are injected into joints, tendons, ligaments, bone, around nerves and fascia

How are they given?

They are given by painless injections under fluoroscopic or ultrasound guidance.

How do they work?

They contain many growth factors that repair damaged tissues in the joint like articular cartilage, menisci, rotator cuff, fascia etc.

What are the common conditions for which they are given?

  1. knee pain
  2. Shoulder pain
  3. Elbow pain
  4. hip pain
  5. wrist pain
  6. foot and ankle pain


He received a platelet-rich plasma injection. 

Stem cell treatment knee osteoarthritis India

Stem cell treatment knee osteo-arthritis India

Stem cell treatment Knee osteoarthritis India. Listen to a West Bengal patient’s experience. Her ten-year-old suffering was relieved after fat stem cell treatment in Chennai. She felt immediate relief. She didn’t want a knee replacement at this stage as she was frightened of the pain during and after the procedure.

She was overjoyed that this procedure was rapidly and painlessly done. She felt pain relief the next day after the procedure. On current follow-up via a telephone conversation, her condition has greatly improved.

Orthobiologic treatment Chennai India,

Orthobiologic treatment Knee Osteoarthritis India, See the immediate result

Orthobiologic treatment Knee Osteoarthritis India, See the immediate result. A sixty-five-year-old gentleman regained his mobility and flexibility within one and half hours after Orthobiologic treatment of his chronic knee arthritis. In this video, he shows that he can jog and walk normally shortly after the treatment. He is delighted to have regained normalcy after the treatment.  He preferred this treatment over a knee replacement.

PRP injection ultra-sound guidance rotator cuff tear India

PRP injection ultra-sound guidance rotator cuff tear India

PRP injection ultra-sound guidance rotator cuff tear India. See how platelet rich plasma (PRP) is prepared and injected into the rotator cuff tendon and acromioclavicular joint under ultra sound guidance. This ensures accurate delivery of the biologic substance into the tear and will ensure healing. Orthobiologics are indicated for repair and regeneration of damaged cartilage, tendon and ligaments. When done under ultra-sound guidance, they are guaranteed to produce good results.

Stem cell treatment Knee Osteo-arthritis Chennai

Stem cell treatment Knee Osteo-arthritis Chennai

Stem cell treatment Knee Osteo-arthritis Chennai with SVF

Knee osteoarthritis treatment in Chennai India with fat stem cells helped this 65-year-old lady to recover fast. There was no prolonged hospitalization, physiotherapy, or surgical trauma. With travel restrictions being lifted all over the world, she was very eager to travel abroad and meet her grandchildren.

Knee OA is the most usual form of OA worldwide. It affects women more than women. Knee replacement is the standard treatment for end-stage arthritis. However, it necessitates hospitalization and physiotherapy to regain full bending. Nowadays, patients want to recover faster and be able to enjoy life. Hence more patients like this lady are seeking stem cell treatment.

What is SVF treatment?

Stromal vascular fraction treatment or SVF treatment knee arthritis Chennai India is a new treatment for knee arthritis. It avoids the risks associated with a knee replacement. It is done as a daycare procedure.

In this procedure, the surgeon removes fat from your body by liposuction and processes it in a centrifuge in the operating room. The processed fat contains a mixture of cells, vascular stroma, growth factors, and others. It is then mixed with PRP and then injected into the knee. The procedure takes about an hour for one knee. Patients are able to return home within a few hours. They may feel some discomfort on the first day but the pain will improve.

How is it better than bone marrow treatment?

SVF is derived from fat. It is superior to bone marrow. See this post to know more about the advantages of fat over bone marrow.

Is it better than knee replacement?

According to this lady, she had seen many failures of knee replacement done elsewhere. Other patients have also stated that a knee replacement procedure with its necessary physiotherapy is an ordeal.

What is the evidence for SVF treatment?

SVF treatment is a safe procedure with proven results. A double-blind study has confirmed the effectiveness of SVF therapy. There are other studies that vouch for fat stem cell treatment in knee osteoarthritis. My longest follow-up for stem cell treatment for knee arthritis is seven years. See this video 

Knee osteoarthritis stem cell treatment India

Knee osteoarthritis stem cell treatment India

Knee osteoarthritis stem cell treatment India relieves knee pain in this 45-year-old mail after 2 weeks. He is now willing to shed more weight by exercise and return to his former active life. Listen to another patient’s story of stem cell treatment here.

I provide stem cell treatment derived from fat. See my website 

Stem cells in this case were derived from fat. Fat-derived stem cells also called stromal vascular fraction (SVF) is rich in stem cell content than bone marrow-derived cells.  SVF can repair damaged articular cartilage in knees thus alleviating pain.

Stem cell treatment knee arthritis Chennai

Stem cell treatments knee arthritis Chennai India

Stem cell treatments knee arthritis Chennai India by Dr.A.K.Venkatachalam. In this video stem cells are derived from the patient’s own body, prepared, mixed with PRP, and injected into the patient’s knee joint under local anesthesia. The patient can walk normally after the procedure and can return home within a few hours. No keyhole or open surgery is needed. The stem cells injected are more numerous than other sources. See here for more details.


Stem cell treatment knee arthritis Chennai

Stem cell treatment knee arthritis Chennai

Stem cell treatment knee arthritis Chennai. See how stem cells are prepared in the operating theatre from your own tissues. This is a daycare procedure done under local anesthesia. It is recommended in middle-aged patients with knee arthritis and desirous of avoiding knee replacement. See more patient testimonials here

If your knee arthritis is advanced, then you might want to go here to seek a knee replacement in India