صة مريض الرباط الصليبي الأمامي مع الركوع في ستة أسابيع. زيارة www.drakvenkat.com

قصة مريض الرباط الصليبي الأمامي مع الركوع في ستة أسابيع. زيارة www.drakvenkat.com
Anterior cruciate ligament surgery Oman, Dr.Venkat patient testimonial . You can see him kneeling at six weeks after ACL reconstruction which is very important for Middle east patients.
He is very happy with the result. This function was possible by anatomic foot print hamstring ACL reconstruction. Visit www.drakvenkat.com

USG guided PRP injection heel pain Dr. A.K.Venkatachalam

USG guided PRP injection heel pain Dr. A.K.Venkatachalam. Watch an Ultra sound guided Platelet rich Plasma injection heel pain by Dr. A.K.Venkatachalam. Platelet rich Plasma heals heel pain from plantar fasciitis effectively when all other treatments have failed. Visit www.orthobiologicsurgeryindia.com. If your parent or relative wants this procedure, e mail drvenkat@kneeindia.com

Plantar fasciitis (heel pain) Platelet rich Plasma injection India

Plantar fasciitis (heel pain) Platelet rich Plasma injection India

Plantar fasciitis (heel pain) Platelet rich Plasma injection India. Many many middle aged patients suffer from this painful condition. When all non operative measures like painkillers, stretching exercises, footwear modification have failed, platelet rich plasma injection will relieve pain and heal the condition. See this testimonial of an Oman patient for Dr.A.K.Venkatachalam. If you need this treatment, e mail drvenkat@kneeindia.com.

Heel pain Plantar fasciitis PRP injections Dr.A.K.Venkatachalam

Heel pain Plantar fasciitis PRP injections Dr.A.K.Venkatachalam

Heel pain Plantar fasciitis PRP injections Dr.A.K.Venkatachalam. Plantar fasciitis or heel pain is a common cause of disability in middle age patients. When conservative treatments have failed to relieve symptoms, an injection of platelet rich plasma will help to heal the condition and relieve pain. See this Egyptian patient’s testimonial for Dr. A.K.Venkatachalam. If you or your relatives suffer this problem, email drvenkat@kneeindia.com.

Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction Oman, Dr.Venkat

Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction Oman, Dr.Venkat.  Omani patient testimonial for Dr.Venkatachalam. Dr.Venkat is an experienced knee surgeon in Oman. He is a specialist in Knee surgery. He performs knee replacements, ACL reconstruction, Meniscal and cartilage repair. He has worked in the MOH hospital in Oman  and is now working in a private hospital in Suhar, Oman. You can contact him via e mail at drvenkat@kneeindia.com