Bone Marrow therapy Knee Osteo-athritis India Dr.A.K.Venkatachalam patient’s testimonial. If you want this procedure, please seek an appointment in Chennai with the doctor by e mailing
Platelet Rich Plasma injection AC joint Dr.Venkatachalam
PRP injection AC joint Dr.Venkatachalam
Here’s a feedback from our latest patient about the effectiveness of #PRP injection for his right #collar-bone arthritis Visit for more information.
On Tue, 11 Apr 2017 9:14 am Vishnu Vardhan, <> wrote:
Hello Sir,
Hope you’re doing well. Just wanted to provide a feedback on my shoulder pain after the PRP therapy. I’m feeling better now with much less pain as compared earlier but still an amount of pain exists especially when I put my right hand back and try to reach my left shoulder.