Stem cell treatment knee arthritis Chennai

Stem cell treatment knee arthritis Chennai

Stem cell treatment knee arthritis Chennai. See how stem cells are prepared in the operating theatre from your own tissues. This is a daycare procedure done under local anesthesia. It is recommended in middle-aged patients with knee arthritis and desirous of avoiding knee replacement. See more patient testimonials here

If your knee arthritis is advanced, then you might want to go here to seek a knee replacement in India

Platelet rich stroma therapy knee osteo-arthritis India

Fat treatment knee osteo-arthritis India- patient testimonial after 3 months

Fat treatment knee osteo-arthritis India three months ago relieved this lady’s pain. As she felt residual leg pain, she was administered a booster dose of platelet rich plasma and felt better afterwards. See her walk independently after the latest procedure. Fat treatment knee osteoarthritis India utilizes the healing potential of your own fat and blood to reduce pain of knee osteo-arthritis. It combines the healing potential of stromal vascular fraction derived from fat and biological molecules derived from platelets; the cells responsible for blood clotting. Limited cartilage regrowth occurs. If you are suffering from knee pain and want to get relief soon, then this may be the right procedure for you. If you want this procedure for your elderly relatives, email me

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